Summer is approaching quickly. Get ready for summer by creating your summer bucket list. Bucket lists are a great way to keep track of activities that you want to do or accomplish. If you have kids, it's a great way to keep kids motivated and excited for summer. Sit down with your family and create your summer bucket list so that you'll have the best summer ever. We've compiled a list of summer buck list ideas to help you get started. We've even included a free printable summer bucket list printout that you can print below.

Summer Bucket List Ideas
- Go to the beach
- Go camping
- Visit a state park
- Make crafts
- Complete a DIY project
- Go to summer camp
- Try a new recipe
- Have a pool party
- Have a water balloon fight
- Go to the lake
- Read a book
- Have a picnic
- Do a puzzle
- Volunteer for a charity
- Go to the zoo
- Take up a new hobby
- Learn a new skill
- Visit a relative
- Go on family walks
- Have a family movie night
- Go to an outdoor concert
- Go to a water park
- Make something tie-dye
- Have a bbq
- Play putt putt golf
- Go to a theme park
- Go to the movies
- Make s'mores
- Go kayaking
- Go to a museum
- Try a new restaurant
- Have sleep over
- Go on a hike
- Go biking
- Watch fireworks
- Play board games
- Try a new sport
- Go rollerskating
- Have ice cream sundaes
- Play with sidewalk chalk
Free Printable Summer Bucket List

Print & Fill Out the Bucket List
Creating your own summer bucket list is as easy as printing out our free printable bucket list and filling it out with your own bucket list items. Every time you complete one of your bucket list items be sure to cross it off your list. Try to complete all of your bucket list items prior to the end of the summer. Be sure to have your family add ideas to the bucket list that they want to do.
Whether you're looking for ideas for summer fun or ways to make the most of the season, these summer bucket list ideas are sure to help you make the most of the warm weather. So get out there and enjoy the summer sun!